Learning English can help us make a lot of foreign friends, enrich our life and also understand foreign cultures.2、结交朋友英语怎么说
In the new term, I have a new friend who is named Tom Smith. He comes from English. He is 11years old. The same as me .We are in the same class and the same grade. We both in Grade 7 and Class 3. His favourite sport is basketball and he can play well. Green is his favourite colour.3、结交朋友英语造句
结识朋友是弥足珍贵的 ,我们相互吐露心声, 相互帮助鼓励, 摘下面具畅谈, 平起平坐坦诚相待。 从相隔千里的素不相识,到兴趣爱好萍水相逢的网友 我的朋友,认识你是我的荣幸 无论男女,他乡遇故知般的相遇就是莫大的幸福!关键词: